
Showing posts from June 9, 2024

Vector Graphics: Logo Design

 Client (logo) need: "Unsure?" Result... Conceptualization!  A developing business, Country Goat Yoga, needed a logo. A representation of its brand.  Without direction as to what the message might look like...  ...Incorporating several conceptions relevant to the essence of business and its intent... Resulting in this conceptualization of a logo grounded in the rural tradition of (hot-iron) 'branding' while clearly representing the company's goods/services.  The circular form is chosen to appeal to the human eye. The silhouette (obviously) represents the interaction between yogi and livestock within a country setting. Ever-so-subtly, a pleasant smile (cut-out) levitates the (base of the) silhouette.  

Execution v. Viewer Perception

Sometimes, a message's execution is missed. Apple recently presented, what I thought was a brilliant ad, Crush!   However, controversy and backlash ensued. Some viewers perceived the message to convey the destruction of the artists' creativity and 'the tools of the trade'. Conversely, I perceived the message to mean that Apple had 'compacted' everything every user might need into the sleekest iPad Pro package yet. Making the iPad Pro an invaluable tool for all creativity. And I don't mean just artistic creativity. ...To Create! Nevertheless, with the controversial perception in mind, I mocked up a print Ad version that attempts to convey a similar message about its versatility and functionality without "destructive" imagery. some have perceived of the Crush! ad.